Transferring TOP-Energy Projects From 2.11 to 3.3
In TOP-Energy 3.3 the structure of the components is fundamentally different than in 2.11. Therefore projects from 2.11 have to be recreated in TOP-Energy 3.3.
To transfer an old project, open it in the current TOP-Energy version. Also create a new project and transfer the structure and data from the old project.
New Features Compared to TOP-Energy 2.11
During the changeover from TOP-Energy 2.11 to 3.3, there are some innovations that should be particularly noted and which are presented below.
Simulation Settings
You now make settings for the simulation in the Simulation ribbon:
Master Data
You specify the master data of the project in separate forms. The weather and location data contained therein are used throughout the project for the Simulation settings (ambient condition) and the components of the demand calculation as well as solar radiation and wind. You can remove the default link to the master data for individual components and parameters via the menu button
and enter your own data instead.
Material Properties
A new feature is that you can select two different modes of the material properties in the simulation ribbon: Energy or Considering composition/Temperature dependent. This choice affects the components, because pins can be added or removed. The fuel and the water material models have been streamlined: By default, these two material models are calculated with energy fluxes only. Therefore, there are no input fields for outlet temperatures in the components at first. Combustion components (boiler, CHP, turbines) initially have no pins for connecting a Fresh_Air component, which is only necessary for the combustion calculation. If you change the material model to Temperature dependent or considering composition, the old features with all details are available as usual.
Structural Optimization
There are no longer any extra components in the template library for structural optimization; instead, structural optimization is activated as a function in the component ribbon.
Operational Side Conditions
The Operational side conditions, except the Priority (power-on sequence), are not added as independent components, but are selected directly in the respective components.
Component Properties
The components are kept relatively simple at first. They can be dynamically expanded with customizable parts. With the plus symbol you can add, for example, investment costs, operating costs, tariff components, and own use.
Next to most input and output data you will find the menu button to open the context menu, which used to be opened by right-clicking.
The distinction between global and local values is available again from TOP-Energy version 3.3.0. Please note the special infoirmation on the update in the linked article.
Tips for Replicating a Project
Open both TOP-Energy projects side by side, preferably on two screens: Your template project in TOP-Energy and your new project both in TOP-Energy 3.3. Take care that the projects do not have the same name, otherwise there is a risk of confusion in the ETA. For example, rename the project node from version 2.11 to MyProject_2_11.
First, create the module nodes in TOP-Energy 3.3 according to the template.
Then drag the same components as in the template onto the scheme. Some special components (e.g., heat pump internal and external heat source) are now combined in one component template. In such cases, open the similar component (e.g., Heat_Pump) and add the features so that the component matches the desired shape.
You do not need any extra components from the template library for structural optimization; instead, you activate structural optimization in the component ribbon.
Transfer the parameters (e.g., efficiencies, prices) of all components using copy-and-paste. Pay attention to the units!
Go through component by component.
Time Series
It is best to transfer all input time series systematically. To do this, first click in the Home ribbon in the Engineering Time Series Analyzer group on the Input time series button to open all entered time series. Then open the input time series of the old project.
In the ETA project explorer, drag and drop a time series from the 2.11 project onto the corresponding time series of the TOP-Energy 3.3 project. This replaces the time series of the 3.3 project. If the time period (the Start year) and the time zone of the 2.11 time series differ from the time series settings of the 3.3 project, the time series settings of the 3.3 project will be adopted upon request (see the following figure). In this case, the time series is shifted to the new period without taking into account the holiday structure.
In contrast, the sample time (time step size or time grid) from the copied (shifted) original time series is transferred to the target time series in any case.
To move the time series to another period, use the ETA method Move time points, and, to take into account holidays, use the ETA method Transfer to another year.
The default values in the 3.3 are adapted to the current conditions, which means that prices, surcharges, CO2 emission factors, primary energy factors, etc. have been updated. You can copy the values from 2.11 to keep them. If you use the new default values, your results will change slightly compared to 2.11.
Simulation Settings
You make the simulation settings (e.g., look-ahead) in the Simulation ribbon.